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These three organs are important to dissect sick chickens at the time of diagnosis.

Createtime : 2021/07/08 Views : 767

In the process of disease diagnosis, the disease can be diagnosed effectively and accurately by anatomical diagnosis. The right medicine is given. Today, I teach you how to recognize certain chicken diseases through the liver, spleen and glandular stomach:




1Liver black bleeding - poisoning

2Liver yellowing, bleeding (with blood clots) - sudden death syndrome
3There are grayish yellow and grayish white nodules or tumors on the surface of the liver - Marek's disease, lymphocytic leukemia, tuberculosis.
4Perihepatitis (hepatic enlargement, thickening of the capsule and adhesion of yellow exudate) - Escherichia coli, Salmonella.
5The hepatomegaly is bronzed and has a tip-sized bleeding site - Salmonella.
6On the surface of the hepatomegaly, there is a necrotic nodule of rice size - Kaposi's leukocyte protozoal disease.
7The liver enlargement is yellowish - bursa and fatty liver.
8There are uneven disk-like necrosis on the liver - cecal hepatitis and Vibrio hepatitis.



1The splenomegaly becomes rounded (the surface has gray-white hyperplastic nodules or scattered fine white spots) - Marek's disease, lymphocytic leukemia, reticuloendotheliosis.

2Splenomegaly, hemorrhage - caused by acute viral diseases such as Newcastle disease and avian influenza.

3Splenomegaly, dark purple, spleen marrow softened like mud - avian cholera, E. coli.

Muscle stomach, glandular stomach


1Glandular nipple top bleeding - Newcastle disease.

2Glandular nipple bottom bleeding - flu

3Glandular mucosal hemorrhage, musculoskeletal corneal hemorrhage - influenza, Newcastle disease

4Glandular edema thickening, nipple ulcer swelling

(Severe nipple disappears), muscle and cornea corneal hyperplasia, ulcers, erosion - muscle gastritis, glandular gastritis.

5A hemorrhagic zone is formed between the stomach and the glandular stomach - the bursa of Fabricius.

6Hemorrhage between the glandular stomach and the stomach and stomach, corneal and subkeratal hemorrhage - poisoning.

7The glandular stomach is swollen and thickened, and the nipple presents a tumor nodule - Marek's disease,

Lymphocytic leukemia, reticuloendotheliosis.

Anatomically cooperate with the appearance of the chicken, including feces, respiratory symptoms, feed intake, water intake, combined with systemic organ lesions, for accurate diagnosis, some lesions are easy to diagnose from a single organ, and some diseases become compatible with multiple organs at the same time Judging the diagnosis, therefore, can not rush to draw conclusions!

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These three organs are important to dissect sick chickens at the time of diagnosis.


In the process of disease diagnosis, the disease can be diagnosed effectively and accurately by anatomical diagnosis. The right medicine is given.

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